California’s Legislature wants to strengthen privacy laws, requiring technology companies to fall in line. Meanwhile the fights about California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) continue.
While the push for privacy in California continues, the reality is many people are slowly adapting to the reality that privacy laws are too weak.
Oh this USC professor Manuel Pastor talked about a “tech dividend” who return a portion of profits to the consumers themselves. Is this a deflection by which to allow or get accustomed to the loss of privacy?
However the reality is, whatever purported “fight”there is for privacy, it seems likely that the privacy fight will lose in the long run, or at least this is Solano Business News’ opinion.
Oh this USC professor Manuel Pastor talked about a “tech dividend” who return a portion of profits to the consumers themselves. Is this a deflection by which to allow or get accustomed to the loss of privacy?
However the reality is, whatever purported “fight”there is for privacy, it seems likely that the privacy fight will lose in the long run, or at least this is Solano Business News’ opinion.
Is Our Fight For Online Privacy In California Really A Losing Battle? Please respond to this Business Honesty blog with your privacy view.
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